Just subscribed to Yes 4G mobile internet recently. Was getting really fed-up with the spotty service I got from Celcom Broadband.
Granted, I was using tethering via my mobile phone, but still it was really bad. I can barely get connected, even in the wee hours e.g. 2 or 3 AM. And even then, it's not stable. It has a mind of it's own and disconnect as it wish. Not to mention, the speed most of the time was more or less at par or even slower than my archaic free, Time.net dial-up I was using from about a decade ago! So much of a broadband...
Saw the advert on TV for Yes 4G. Then one day stumbled a shop that sells it. After quick check of the price, quickly agreed. It was more or less a compulsive purchase, but what the heck. And I was pleasantly surprised! In USJ 19 area, I managed to get more than 5Mbps download speed! Back at home however, it was much lower, around 1Mbps only, due to low signal strength. I guess my house location and built is not really suitable for wireless broadband. My sister was suffering the same with Maxis broadband last time. But at least it's stable. And today at my workshop in Glenmarie, I was seeing 11Mbps download speed. Woohoo!
So I can now surf much faster. Even the occasional youtube watching is possible now. And at time, without even the need to buffer the video download.
So I am happy! If you are looking for a new ISP, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Yes 4G. Yes 4g FTW!
Visit their web: www.yes.com.my