Take a look at the date/issue. Some dates back to year 1996! And now is 2009 already. Those are 13 year old magazines that I'm keeping. I discovered these while having a major 'spring cleaning' of my stuff recently.
But I know exactly why I held on to these. They had reviews on Kawasaki ZX7R, which was my dream superbike at the time. More or less, until today, I still have a soft spot for it. If only it's re-introduced with modern engine & suspension bits, in exactly the same styling, it'll top my wish list, no doubt.
Also found during the spring cleaning is inaugural issue of the 'Traffic' magazine. A short-lived car magazine focusing on styling. I was in the editorial team pic! I was their car audio contributor at the time. Reading back the articles, even I myelf was amazed that I wrote them hehehe memories
samala kat umah aku pun. mag tah tahun sebila back to 90s..sumer pun mag pasal motor/cars..huhuhu menimbum nak buat kambus org pun boleh..kumpul habuk
so bukan la aku sorang jek camni... so aku ni kira kategori lelaki normal la hehehe
so u buang ke tak magazine tu? jual kat car booth sales sure laku..kalau tak nak boleh simpan lagi 13 tahun.. boleh buat harga karun... :)
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