Monday, January 4, 2010

Foreign exchange trading

To all friends, I'm posting this as a reminder to all who're into this forex trading or thinking of doing it. I know, it has promised very good returns. In fact training and seminars are being advertised openly in newspapers.

But it remain an illegal activity to do in Malaysia, to trade foreign currency, no matter how, no matter what. And in the news today: Bank Negara warns against illegal foreign currency trading

Knowing BNM, when they issued that kind of statement, it means, get ready. We're going to get you NOW! Same like all those quick rich schemes. There were so many raids done by BNM last year. Many were caught andcharged in court. And also knowing BNM, we're very efficient at doing this. We just needed time to carefully study before we start our move since we do not want to be on the losing side.

So please friends, stay away from such activity.


mankuala said...

tumpang tanya...let say ada utang credit card 10k...then ari ni aku settle semer....brp lama nak amek masa BNM/CTOS etc nak clear nama kita?

napee said...

Kat BNM depend pada bank. Yg efficient next day dah update. Tapi by 15th of next month mmg dah update.

CTOS takde kene mengena dgn BNM. Kene tanya diorang. Rasanya CTOS takkan update bila dah OK. Dia collect yg tak OK je. Nak update, kene inform CTOS sendiri mintak diorang update.

mankuala said...

ok then...tqvm....