Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year to all!

A day late, but nevertheless, Happy New Year to all reading this.

Some news highlight:

1. No Plastic Day

I think it's a good move. I feel environmental preservation awareness among Malaysian are quite low. This despite the many programmes shown on Discovery Channel on Astro. I guess, most are more interested in the lame reality shows on Asto Ria...

BTW, I have been avoiding plastic bags for some while. If I'm at 7-11 or even Carrefour and buy things that I can hold with my two hands, I refused the plastic bag. I noticed some people even buyingj ust two items, maybe a can of drink and a cigarette also insist for the plastic bag. Then they went out of the door and step into their car which is just like 3-4 meters away. Why?

Let us all work to make this happen!

2. Who's there first?

The story of condominium & apartment owners 'shutting down' live music along Jalan P. Ramlee. It's not that I would want to stand for the musicians, but it raised the question, didn't the apartment owners think about it BEFORE buying their units?

So what if the apartment is located next to a busy highway and it gets noisy for them, will the authorities close down the highway then? Or if the apartment was built next to a shipping port and it gets noisy, will the port get closed then?

If you ask me, this is more of the issue of influence. Those buying the condo units along this particular road most probably are influential people. Maybe business people or even polictical links. To me, this is a blatant abuse of power. If the night spots are operating within the set rules and guidelines, especially on performing hours, the apartment residents should not, or have the rights to complaint about it. Old Malay proverbs, 'kalau takut dilambung ombak, jangan berumah di tepi pantai' applies here.

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