Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
woot! woot! woot!
an APP slotted front rotors to replace the worn stock rotors. the circular lines are not scourings and hope they'll stay that way and survive a few track days. the blue housing bell really suits the car's paintwork and elevates the car's 'fast looking' factor a few notches up ahahahaha
later at home, found out the stock rotors were at the minimum thickness already. phew, luckily nothing bad happened when using them. but boy, those rotors are damn heavy! i'm not kidding!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Last one, enough already

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Setelah 8 1/2 tahun bekerja...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Not your average Sunday 3!!!

- 1st spin at the high speed downhill T5. Tried to take it in 4th gear. Big spin, almost into the gravel.
Welcome to Negeri Sembilan

Friday, December 12, 2008
In the mail yesterday

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Not your average Aidiladha

Yummy! Mini Cooper Challenge car, driven by drift star, Tengku Djan

So many fellow scoobies
1st outing - Suzuki Swift Sport (Driver: Fahrein)
Since I was not driving, all I can do was tag along on the cars. Well, that's why I brought my helmet along hehehe He was taking it carefully. Just checking grip level. From the looks of it, it was bloody slippery. The proof? The session was red-flagged after just 2 minutes being started, someone already went off-track.
The lap was mostly un-eventful as the slippery condition did not permit hard driving.

That's a genuine E60 M5 and a Mini JCW beside it
I have timed this car & driver. He was doing 3:09 laps in such condition, on wet racing tyres. Nevertheless, the time is sensational anyway, considering the car is more or less stock!
When I was in the car, the first corner was kind scary. He was late-braking like mad, but then I found out, the car has very good brakes and grip level from the wet tyres are just superb. Almost unbelieveable amount of grip was available from the tyres.
I timed the car to be around 3:12 in the condition. So it's a bit slower than the Levin. But the ride is totally different. It was very comfortable. Almost too comfortable to be on a track hehehe Well, it's a brand new car anyway. And surprising amount of grip available from the semi-slick RE-070 tyres.

Cars lining up on pit lane
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Salam Aidiladha

Friday, December 5, 2008
To budding artists...
Kawan X/... elo Fren
Hanafi Mohd Na... yes
Kawan X/... bz ker?
Kawan X/... ko masuk treasure hunt?
Hanafi Mohd Na... x masuk
Kawan X/... alamak
Kawan X/... aku nak ajak ko perform ni
Kawan X/... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2z928_jason-mraz-im-yours-acoustic_music
Hanafi Mohd Na... ko nak main berapa org ni?
Kawan X/... kalau dpt 3 udah la
Kawan X/... ko bleh lead
Kawan X/... kuang bleh ikut
Kawan X/... sorang lagi
Kawan X/... any idea
Kawan X/... minggu depan prektis
Kawan X/... khamis, dan jumaat
Kawan X/... camana?
Hanafi Mohd Na... laaa baru nak carik kuorum ke?
Hanafi Mohd Na... then tak nak
Hanafi Mohd Na... too short time
Kawan X/... ko kan tererrr
Hanafi Mohd Na... this is not individual performance
Hanafi Mohd Na... it's band
Kawan X... yo la
Hanafi Mohd Na... everybody needs to work together
Kawan X/... khamis kita test la
Kawan X... amacam?
Hanafi Mohd Na... sorry too short notice
Hanafi Mohd Na... nak advise la kan
Hanafi Mohd Na... this kind of things is performed by a band
Hanafi Mohd Na... each one of u need to feel connected as one band
Hanafi Mohd Na... all needs to have the same interest & the same idea & the same target
Hanafi Mohd Na... it's not easy
Hanafi Mohd Na... it's not like u just call up someone and he will just agree to what you want to do
Hanafi Mohd Na... well unless he's a paid professional
Hanafi Mohd Na... then it's another matter
Hanafi Mohd Na... if not
Hanafi Mohd Na... willingness is the key word
Hanafi Mohd Na... next time kalau betul nak peform mcm ni
Hanafi Mohd Na... plan awal²
Hanafi Mohd Na... talk with the people
Hanafi Mohd Na... let them voice their opinion & discuss first
Hanafi Mohd Na... u may need to accomodate to that as well
Hanafi Mohd Na... not just simply call up someone
Hanafi Mohd Na... and expect them to willingly do as to how u want it to be
Kawan X... ermmm
Hanafi Mohd Na... it's not gonna happen bro
Hanafi Mohd Na... this is my advice from my experience
Hanafi Mohd Na... putting together a band yg dah main for 5 years
Hanafi Mohd Na... & futsal yg dah main for more than 2 years
Kawan X... ermmm
Kawan X... payah ni
Hanafi Mohd Na... who said it's easy?
Hanafi Mohd Na... unless kalau ko nak perform on your own
Hanafi Mohd Na... then no problem
Hanafi Mohd Na... or u pay for your own musicians lah
Kawan X/... ni free
Kawan X/... mana ader payment
Kawan X/... hehehe
Hanafi Mohd Na... tu la
Hanafi Mohd Na... that's why u need to connect with the people first
Actually, ni bukan first time dia ajak aku buat performance on stage. Tapi mcm ni jugak la. Dia dah decide & nak dictate everything. Then expect the musicians to just say 'OK' & play along. It's not that simple. It's not that easy to influence people to work as a team to achieve a common goal. Especially, when that goal is your self personal goal.
BTW, this friend, we hardly even talk. Just the occasional 'Hi' when we bump into each other during lunch. Which makes thing, even harder.
Satria Neo

Thursday, December 4, 2008
RM2k+ for a tyre puncture?

Actually, to my eyes it looked like a simple repair job actually. But yesterday, I brought it to a tyre shop near my house. I've used to go there for a few years when I was driving Proton car. So I went there again just since it's convenient.
They tried to fix it, the normal way using that rubber plug thingy. But it didn't fix it well. Air was leaking, slowly. Then they started to offer me to replace the tyres. They showed me a pair of used tyres, which I'm really not keen of, but still looked just to be polite. They also recommended me their Goodyear tyres, which I had to pass, since I don't want to mix tyres. It'll wreak havoc with the car's balance and the drivetrain. And they don't have the correct size for my car anyway. Also I didn't want to blow RM2k+ just because I have one punctured tyre since I will need to change all four tyres! So I paid them RM5 and left with my spare tyre still on.
Then I remember my friend have fixed a 1" long tear on his tyre before. At a shop somewhere in USJ. So today I planned to go there. But on the way, stopped at another tyre shop to try again. Like asking for second opinion. They just put another rubber plug and the leak was OK! And the good thing is, it just costed me another RM5. Damn! That was easy.

ada lagi pintu koboi ni! masa toilet ni style bangunan 80's dulu mmg dah ada, tapi bila dah renovate, ingatkan dah buang, tapi ada lagi hehehe aku notice, actually dinding tu semua dah re-tile, tapi diorang pasang balik pintu koboi ni
caya lah!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Pure ranting only
I bought it mainly for it's 3.2 megapixel auto-focus camera. But it also happens to be a slide phone, which I'm not really keen of in the first place. But had to buy it anyway since the N73ME is just so much bulkier than I though it was. Less than 48 hours using it, the LCD screen went dead, when I was sliding it open. The repairs took 3 days to complete. It meant I only get to use it less than the time it was in for repairs.
And yesterday, the slide mechanism is acting up. It's kind of stuck and really difficult to slide. I really hate to need to send if for repairs, again. And I didn't drop it or bang it or anything, it just happened.
It's a stiff reminder that I should stick with candy bar phone form factor from now on. No slide, no flip, no twist phone for me. They're all just not reliable enough. Not that I'm a careless person, in fact I'm probably the most careful person with things that you'll ever find, seriously.
Now hope I'll get some extra year end bonus to replace this phone. *sigh*