But back to the town, I love this town. It's a small town with no congestion at all. But with some developments to keep it up with the time. Here's some snap shots that I found interesting:
It's been a while since I had to go past this kind of rail road crossing. My previous hometown, Kluang also had one.

This is the unique and very attractive HSBC Bank building.

And I saved the best for the last. This, McDota! I bet most of you don't even know this. But before the years of McD and KFC, this was THE fast food of the day, back in the 80's. We also had one in Kluang last time

Overall, this town really reminded me a lot of Kluang. I really to visit Kluang soon.
haah la...ada Mc Dota...sukanyer Mc Dota nie gila lama..i ingat dah tak ada dah...wah bestnyer
laa org kluang ke? area mana?
not really org kluang.
tapi pernah duduk kluang dulu kala. between 1984-1985 & 1986-1989. Aku suka giler kluang. hehehe
kluang man....
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