This is the tortoise at my house. Actually it's my sister's, she bought two a few months ago. But now there's just one. Before Sunday, we had two very active tortoise. You wouldn't believe it. They would push around the small rock in their container making ticking sound all day long. They even actively swim in their plastic container. Trying to get out I presume. Everytime we take them out by holding the sides of their shell, they will wiggle their short legs, tickling our finger. If I put my finger near the container, they will follow my finger. When I return home at night, they'll be sort of 'happy' to see me back and will extend their heads above the waterline, as if to make themselves seen.
But after Sunday, we only had one tortoise. My mom gave away the other one to a relative's children who came for Raya. I was sad & reluctant but since my mom already said that she's giving it, I can't say anything. I cannot even see the tortoise being taken away.
Now the one that's left is so sad. I can clearly see it in it's eyes. Like it's crying. It spends most of the time hiding inside its shell and no longer swimming around. When I put my finger, it'll turn away. It keeps mostly below the waterline. Even someone as cold as me can see it was sad!
Even my mom acknoweldges that and seems like regretting giving away one of it. Tomorrow I'm gonna think of how we can take back the tortoise. Maybe buy them another one and take back ours.
Now the one that's left is so sad. I can clearly see it in it's eyes. Like it's crying. It spends most of the time hiding inside its shell and no longer swimming around. When I put my finger, it'll turn away. It keeps mostly below the waterline. Even someone as cold as me can see it was sad!
Even my mom acknoweldges that and seems like regretting giving away one of it. Tomorrow I'm gonna think of how we can take back the tortoise. Maybe buy them another one and take back ours.
It also clearly shows that animals have feelings too. So please:
1. Be nice to all animals. Don't abuse them. Even if it's just stray cats on the streets, if you can't feed them, at least don't chase or kick them away.
2. Don't adopt an animal if you can't commit. My sis bought the tortoise, but my mom's taking care of them. Cleaning the container everyday. So maybe that explains why my mom wanted to give it away. So only adopt if you know you can take a good care of them. That explains why, even I really, really love cats, I never adopt one. I know I can't commit to them. Not with a 9 to 6 daily job & 8 hobbies to do.
apa susah, just get the replacement. kalau u asyik cakap kesian but without doing anything pun tak guna. Bagi i la...unless la u take action to buy the new tortoise or take back your own tortoise like what you said. Kalau u sedey jer tak guna and just terima tanpa usaha.... it seem like kalau tortoise tu tak ada pun tak kisah as u still be doing your routine work 9-6 and your 8 hobbies.
saya faham...kadang bukan senang nak carik replacement. Maaf kalau comment saya buat napee terasa
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