Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
woot! woot! woot!
an APP slotted front rotors to replace the worn stock rotors. the circular lines are not scourings and hope they'll stay that way and survive a few track days. the blue housing bell really suits the car's paintwork and elevates the car's 'fast looking' factor a few notches up ahahahaha
later at home, found out the stock rotors were at the minimum thickness already. phew, luckily nothing bad happened when using them. but boy, those rotors are damn heavy! i'm not kidding!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Last one, enough already

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Setelah 8 1/2 tahun bekerja...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Not your average Sunday 3!!!

- 1st spin at the high speed downhill T5. Tried to take it in 4th gear. Big spin, almost into the gravel.
Welcome to Negeri Sembilan

Friday, December 12, 2008
In the mail yesterday

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Not your average Aidiladha

Yummy! Mini Cooper Challenge car, driven by drift star, Tengku Djan

So many fellow scoobies
1st outing - Suzuki Swift Sport (Driver: Fahrein)
Since I was not driving, all I can do was tag along on the cars. Well, that's why I brought my helmet along hehehe He was taking it carefully. Just checking grip level. From the looks of it, it was bloody slippery. The proof? The session was red-flagged after just 2 minutes being started, someone already went off-track.
The lap was mostly un-eventful as the slippery condition did not permit hard driving.

That's a genuine E60 M5 and a Mini JCW beside it
I have timed this car & driver. He was doing 3:09 laps in such condition, on wet racing tyres. Nevertheless, the time is sensational anyway, considering the car is more or less stock!
When I was in the car, the first corner was kind scary. He was late-braking like mad, but then I found out, the car has very good brakes and grip level from the wet tyres are just superb. Almost unbelieveable amount of grip was available from the tyres.
I timed the car to be around 3:12 in the condition. So it's a bit slower than the Levin. But the ride is totally different. It was very comfortable. Almost too comfortable to be on a track hehehe Well, it's a brand new car anyway. And surprising amount of grip available from the semi-slick RE-070 tyres.

Cars lining up on pit lane
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Salam Aidiladha

Friday, December 5, 2008
To budding artists...
Kawan X/... elo Fren
Hanafi Mohd Na... yes
Kawan X/... bz ker?
Kawan X/... ko masuk treasure hunt?
Hanafi Mohd Na... x masuk
Kawan X/... alamak
Kawan X/... aku nak ajak ko perform ni
Kawan X/... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2z928_jason-mraz-im-yours-acoustic_music
Hanafi Mohd Na... ko nak main berapa org ni?
Kawan X/... kalau dpt 3 udah la
Kawan X/... ko bleh lead
Kawan X/... kuang bleh ikut
Kawan X/... sorang lagi
Kawan X/... any idea
Kawan X/... minggu depan prektis
Kawan X/... khamis, dan jumaat
Kawan X/... camana?
Hanafi Mohd Na... laaa baru nak carik kuorum ke?
Hanafi Mohd Na... then tak nak
Hanafi Mohd Na... too short time
Kawan X/... ko kan tererrr
Hanafi Mohd Na... this is not individual performance
Hanafi Mohd Na... it's band
Kawan X... yo la
Hanafi Mohd Na... everybody needs to work together
Kawan X/... khamis kita test la
Kawan X... amacam?
Hanafi Mohd Na... sorry too short notice
Hanafi Mohd Na... nak advise la kan
Hanafi Mohd Na... this kind of things is performed by a band
Hanafi Mohd Na... each one of u need to feel connected as one band
Hanafi Mohd Na... all needs to have the same interest & the same idea & the same target
Hanafi Mohd Na... it's not easy
Hanafi Mohd Na... it's not like u just call up someone and he will just agree to what you want to do
Hanafi Mohd Na... well unless he's a paid professional
Hanafi Mohd Na... then it's another matter
Hanafi Mohd Na... if not
Hanafi Mohd Na... willingness is the key word
Hanafi Mohd Na... next time kalau betul nak peform mcm ni
Hanafi Mohd Na... plan awal²
Hanafi Mohd Na... talk with the people
Hanafi Mohd Na... let them voice their opinion & discuss first
Hanafi Mohd Na... u may need to accomodate to that as well
Hanafi Mohd Na... not just simply call up someone
Hanafi Mohd Na... and expect them to willingly do as to how u want it to be
Kawan X... ermmm
Hanafi Mohd Na... it's not gonna happen bro
Hanafi Mohd Na... this is my advice from my experience
Hanafi Mohd Na... putting together a band yg dah main for 5 years
Hanafi Mohd Na... & futsal yg dah main for more than 2 years
Kawan X... ermmm
Kawan X... payah ni
Hanafi Mohd Na... who said it's easy?
Hanafi Mohd Na... unless kalau ko nak perform on your own
Hanafi Mohd Na... then no problem
Hanafi Mohd Na... or u pay for your own musicians lah
Kawan X/... ni free
Kawan X/... mana ader payment
Kawan X/... hehehe
Hanafi Mohd Na... tu la
Hanafi Mohd Na... that's why u need to connect with the people first
Actually, ni bukan first time dia ajak aku buat performance on stage. Tapi mcm ni jugak la. Dia dah decide & nak dictate everything. Then expect the musicians to just say 'OK' & play along. It's not that simple. It's not that easy to influence people to work as a team to achieve a common goal. Especially, when that goal is your self personal goal.
BTW, this friend, we hardly even talk. Just the occasional 'Hi' when we bump into each other during lunch. Which makes thing, even harder.
Satria Neo

Thursday, December 4, 2008
RM2k+ for a tyre puncture?

Actually, to my eyes it looked like a simple repair job actually. But yesterday, I brought it to a tyre shop near my house. I've used to go there for a few years when I was driving Proton car. So I went there again just since it's convenient.
They tried to fix it, the normal way using that rubber plug thingy. But it didn't fix it well. Air was leaking, slowly. Then they started to offer me to replace the tyres. They showed me a pair of used tyres, which I'm really not keen of, but still looked just to be polite. They also recommended me their Goodyear tyres, which I had to pass, since I don't want to mix tyres. It'll wreak havoc with the car's balance and the drivetrain. And they don't have the correct size for my car anyway. Also I didn't want to blow RM2k+ just because I have one punctured tyre since I will need to change all four tyres! So I paid them RM5 and left with my spare tyre still on.
Then I remember my friend have fixed a 1" long tear on his tyre before. At a shop somewhere in USJ. So today I planned to go there. But on the way, stopped at another tyre shop to try again. Like asking for second opinion. They just put another rubber plug and the leak was OK! And the good thing is, it just costed me another RM5. Damn! That was easy.

ada lagi pintu koboi ni! masa toilet ni style bangunan 80's dulu mmg dah ada, tapi bila dah renovate, ingatkan dah buang, tapi ada lagi hehehe aku notice, actually dinding tu semua dah re-tile, tapi diorang pasang balik pintu koboi ni
caya lah!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Pure ranting only
I bought it mainly for it's 3.2 megapixel auto-focus camera. But it also happens to be a slide phone, which I'm not really keen of in the first place. But had to buy it anyway since the N73ME is just so much bulkier than I though it was. Less than 48 hours using it, the LCD screen went dead, when I was sliding it open. The repairs took 3 days to complete. It meant I only get to use it less than the time it was in for repairs.
And yesterday, the slide mechanism is acting up. It's kind of stuck and really difficult to slide. I really hate to need to send if for repairs, again. And I didn't drop it or bang it or anything, it just happened.
It's a stiff reminder that I should stick with candy bar phone form factor from now on. No slide, no flip, no twist phone for me. They're all just not reliable enough. Not that I'm a careless person, in fact I'm probably the most careful person with things that you'll ever find, seriously.
Now hope I'll get some extra year end bonus to replace this phone. *sigh*
Monday, November 24, 2008
Petang Jumaat lepas...
Kawan aku: Assalamualaikum. Napee, esok ko ada apa² plan tak?
Aku: Walaikumsalam. Esok? Pagi ada go-kart.
Kawan aku: Malam?
Aku: Malam setakat ni takde plan lagi.
Kawan aku: Aku nak jemput ko, aku buat doa selamat sikit. Kat masjid biru, Taipan Subang
Aku: (Eh, doa selamat? Dia baru dapat anak sorang lagi ke) Errrm... masjid biru? OK rasanya
Kawan aku: Aku buat sbb nak pegi haji next week! Datang tau
Aku: Ummm... errrr... wah! Bagus la ko, muda² dah gi haji
Ish... tak sangka betul lah. Ni housemate aku dulu masa study kat UKM. Since matriks lagi kitorang duduk sama². Dia la byk ajar aku main gitar, gi jamming sama², layan test power motor sama², layan Playstation sampai tak pegi kelas, layan on-line chatting IRC sampai pagi... tapi skrg dia dah bagus dah settle down dgn family. Nak pegi haji dah pun. Masa aku jumpa dia kat masjid tu pun dia nampak tenang je.
Tiba² aku rasa macam hidup aku ni tak tentu hala pulak. Ntah lah. Selama ni aku rasa hidup aku OK, tapi lepas tu aku rasa lain macam pulak.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
nampak tak apa yg tak kene?
kan ke parking MOTOR TUUUU!!!! yg pergi parking kereta tu kenapa? tak paham bahasa ke?
mmg la parking kereta kat bank negara ni limited, tapi sapa kata kereta boleh parking kat parking motor? kitorang pun nak parking jugak la. kitorang pun parking limited jugak la. kalau tak, takkan la kadang² sampai terkeluar kotak
kalau dah takde sgt parking kat basement tu, pegi la parking kat open air parking tu. ada otak tak nak pakai. patut la kat tepi pintu kereta tu tgk ada 2 garis calar panjang. ni sure dah biasa buat perangai mcm ni.
sorry for the harsh words, but i have no respect at all with this kind of people
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Congrats to my Boss!
In thestar.com.my today: http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/11/16/business/20081116165559&sec=business
Dr. Zeti selected to be part of a reform committee at UN. She's my big, big, big boss (now you all know where I work).
But she's a really nice boss & very, very knowledgeable in what she's doing.
Hope she can influence some changes to the global economic situation now.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Powerman Malaysia 2008: Part 4
This time the result was out very quick. Normally we have to wait a few days before we can see the results, but this time, we can already see it on Monday. For full results: http://bluechip.racetectiming.com/default.aspx My race number is 156 in the 30-39 category. Check out the winner. He did the race in 2:43!! Super.
11km run
Time: 1:03:46
Position: 306
Pace: 5:47/km
I was running all the way through the 11km. I was targeting a 6:00/km pace, but I bettered it a bit, which is surprising. Normally 5:47/km pace would not be very easy for me.
But obviously, I'm still far down the field. My position 306 is among the individual male participants only, for ease of comparison. Of course, there were many female participants who finished much faster than me.
64 km bike
Time: 2:02:15
Position: 209
Average speed: 31.4km/h
My favourite of the two. Actually by the time leaving transition, I overtook another 5 people, just by changing my shoes and getting out as quick as possible. My plan worked.
And by the end of the ride, I overtook 92 male long distance competitors. If counting those doing the team event, the female participants and those doing sprint, it was well above 100 people! Great.
Partly because I did not cramp up this time and also managed to stay in aero position like 90% of the time. Only had to get up when climbing the bridge, at the U-turn and sometimes while drinking. And also, thank God no puncture. A puncture would've ruined everything.
10km run
Time: 1:18:59
Position: 223
Pace: 7:53/km
The dreaded discipline for most. During transition overtook another 5 people. But being so slow in this run, errr... more like a walk actually, 19 participants overtook me. But that was quite surprising actually since I thought there was like a million who overtook me hehehe So my final placing is 223 among the male competitors. And also, there were quite a number of disqualifications this time. Not sure why, but I would guess many must be due to drafting.
Final result
Time: 4:28:54 (just 2 seconds off my own hand timing)
Position: 223 (out of 356 classified finisher)
Things to improve for next race
- have to run fassstttteeerrr. Simple as that, No two ways about it
- increase a bit more effort on bike. I'm sure I still have spare capacity to average 33km/h that day. Was taking it too carefully
- need hot weather training. Have to train later in the morning to get accustomed to the heat
For all the effort, this is the medal that I got

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Powerman Malaysia 2008: Part 3
Climbing the bridge. Check out the gradient of the climb and the competitors' suffering
Another few kilometers, the U-turn & water station which I skipped. Stil had enough water supply on board. Don't want to end up with lots of spare water at the end later. On the way back, up the bridge, again I was averaging in the high 20s. It felt so great.
At the end of first lap, before the U-turn, something that made me so proud. There was an ambulance behind us, slowing down to our speed. But we all just indicated to each other to move out to one side, and let the ambulance past. It proved that we're all sensible people, even when we're all already oxygen deprived by then hehehe
2nd lap it was the same thing again. I was constantly passing others. "I let you guys leave me during the run, this is WHY! hehehe"
And then, at that bridge again, from far, I saw a cyclist wearing a familiar white Merida jersey. It was Rujhan! On his 3 weeks old bike & 1 night old aerobar. That gave me an instant boost! I just kept my head down and zoomed past him. "Come on Rujhan. Faster!" I said to him when I was beside him. I knew he wouldn't like that. Sure enough, he tried to overtake me on the way down. But only for a few seconds until I put my head down and hammered a constant 33-34km/h to the U-turn. He was nowhere to be seen from there on... That was a big motivation, since he's been very, very fast in the shorter Sprint distance.
Along the way, I saw people cheating on the course. Some were drafting. One had his own support car, handing him ice packs & water bottles. Some received external assistance for tyre puncture. But I just ignored them and just focused on my race. For info, in this race, you're on your own. No external help is allowed, failing which will result in disqualification.
Then towards the 2nd transition. Transition again went very smooth for me. Out of transition, downed another packet of Powergel, my 3rd of the race. Body still felt good. Legs were not cramping like previous races. Was running the first few hundred meters when the heat got into me and I started to walk. Of course others started to overtake me. Those that I have overtaken on the bike just now.
I tried run/walk, but whenever I run, I was going too fast and cannot sustain it. I changed strategy. Tried fast walking instead, ala Yuan Yu Fang. It worked. It felt faster and better. So just continued doing that. Actually, I was not really that tired. I was not hyperventilating, but it's just that my limbs felt like jelly. Too weak. The heat really affected me. At places where there are shades, I was quite OK and able to run, but other parts, just did that Yuan Yu Fang thing.
After 5 km, downed another packet of Powergel, but that didn't help much. From there on, I was worried Rujhan may caught up with me since he's a better runner than I am. So kept looking back once in a while. But the scary sight of him running past me didn't materialise.
At the last water station, downed another packet of Powergel and just drenched myself wet with the remaining water. I was dripping wet in the hot afternoon sun. But I suddenly felt very good and picked up speed. I started to run to the finish line. In fact I ran all the way to the finish!
By the finish line, I quickly glanced at my watch. Did I meet my goal of 4 hours & 40 minutes? Nope, I bettered it! By quite a margin. On my watch it was 4:28:52. I felt I was on top of the world! Even though obviously I didn't win it. The winner did it in under 3 hours.... Immediately received my finisher's medal and finisher's T-shirt. Only those who made it under 5 hours will receive these two. As a proof that we made it to become a Powerman!
Anyway, great job Hanafi! Great job! Mission accomplished

After the race at the awards lunch
Powerman Malaysia 2008: Part 2
After a quick shower, had my breakfast i.e by then, a slightly-ant-infested BigMac from last night. The race start is less than 10 km away, but I drove there , to save energy mah... hahah Some were cycling from Lumut! Very strong people indeed. To my surprise, parking around MPM Stadium was still quite empty. No need to wake up so early then! Ceh!
Slowly rolled my bike into transition, parked it and arranged my things. Met Toing, my long lost way2ride buddy. Also met Apau in transition and another colleague, Rujhan, my so-called ‘arch rival’ at the office’s gym hehehe The others were just scary. Some were sporting disc wheels, Zipp high profile wheels, aero helmet, etc.. etc.. expensive & sexy carbon parts everywhere!
Slowly jogged around the running track to warm-up. In about 10 minutes, sweat was dripping from my forehead! Actually, I never do any warm-up in my previous races hehehe
At the start line, excitement, worry, proud, happy, anxious, all mixed at the same time. Then we were off! I just kept to my own pace, ignoring other people. Others started overatking left & right. Nevermind. It's still a long way to go. The first run alone is 2 laps around a 5.5km route.
I ran past the first water station at 2 km mark, not that early. Just continued running till the next one where I grabbed a cup & took only 2 gulps of water. Didn’t want to drink too much as I always did before. Body felt good. Then the start of the 2nd lap. But at the start of my 2nd lap, heard over the PA system, the Elites were already in for the bike transition!!!
“Sh*t! They’re on their bike transition already!” I spontaneously said to the person next to me, a lady who just nodded and smiled back to me. I think she agreed with me that the Elites are just damn, bloody fast!
The run was mostly uneventful. The only annoyance was the badly cambered road. Had to be careful at every step.
After 11km of non-stop running (great!), the transition area was within sight. Maybe due to overly relieved and oxygen deficient, I just walked past my bike! Except for that incidence, transition was smooth and I was on the way out. Also downed a packet of Powergel for some energy boost. Yeah, now it's time to make my charge throuugh the field!
Sorry no photos. How to take photo while running? hehehe
Off to Part 3.
Powerman Malaysia 2008: Part 1
I left Teluk Intan to Lumut quite late on Saturday, around 2:30PM. I stayed at my uncle’s house the night before, much to the delight of my two little cousins. Supposed to check-in at Blue Bay Resort, Lumut by 4:00PM and collect my race timing chip by 5:00PM. So it was quite a rush, but thankfully I made it to both places safely, on time.
During the timing chip collection & race briefing, felt a bit psyched up by the other competitors. Most were wearing past races T-shirt. Marathons, triathlons, duathlons, etc.. etc., you name it. A bit scared lah.

After took a tour of the bike route with Apau. Apau is my office colleague, he's doing the Sprint distance race. The route is mostly the same as Powerman 2006, which is good since it’s flat, except there’s a big, steep bridge before the U-turn which looked rather intimidating.
“That’ll gonna hurt tomorrow!”, we both thought.
Some were seen cycling on the bike route, trying it out before the race on the next day.
After dropping off Apau at his hotel, I went for dinner. What was for dinner on the night of a long distance duathlon race then? Take a guess... hehehe I had Big Mac + McChicken + large Iced Milo. Didn’t expect Manjung to have a 24 hours McD actually. So convenient. Also tapau-ed another Big Mac and McChicken for breakfast. McD powered duathlete!
After a quick stop at the local 7-11, head back straight to my hotel room. Did a last minute check-up & clean-up of my bike. After setting up 6 different alarms for the next morning (3 on my PDA, 2 on my watch and another on my phone. so over-prepared!) I dozed off really early. It was barely 11:00PM. I need it anyway.

My stuff, all organized and ready. Not the time to mess around
Thursday, November 6, 2008
3 hari je lagi!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008
Bersepah nye

Bersepah sungguh la. Belum tgk laci & locker lagi tu. Pun byk barang. Byk sangat simpan barang, sayang nak buang. One of these days kene datang weekend buang semua benda tak pakai ni. Buat semak je.
6 days to go!!!
Hari Sabtu dah pegi ambik race kit. Agak mengecewakan sbb T-shirt tak berapa lawa & material tak best.. Goodies pun takde. Tapi takpe, masuk race bukan sbb T-shirt & goodies.
Ahad pulak kayuh individual time-trial kat Putrajaya, tapi baru 5 minit kayuh tayar pancit pulak. Repair tepi jalan je dah 1/2 jam. Biasa la, time genting mcm ni masa tu la nak jadik cerita. Tapi semangat punya pasal, sambung jugak kayuh. Habis nak dekat tgh hari dah. Dapat jugak 48km. Average 31.5km/h! Perghhh!!! Tu jalan berbukit-bukau tu. Hopefully flat road kat Lumut nanti boleh average lagi laju.
Hotel pun dah book. Blue Bay Resort Lumut. Dok sorang jek. Takpe lah. Sure ada lagi competitor dok kat situ. Geng je lah ngan diorang. Hehehe
Satu malam di 7-11
Cashier: Aik, makan malam² ke?
Aku: A'ah. Lapar pulak.
Cashier: Study lagi ke? Ke dah keje?
Aku: Eh dah keje la. Lama dah (sambil tersenyum sbb dia ingat aku study lagik)
Cashier: Adik keje kat mana?
Aku: (Eh, dia panggil aku adik? Biar benar dia ni heh heh) Bank Negara
Cashier: Abang nak cari keje permanent la, Bank Negara ada kosong tak?
Aku: Ada. Hantar je resume kat Bank Negara.
Cashier: Kalau abang pass kat adik je boleh ke?
Aku: (still menahan gelak) Boleh je. Nanti hari Rabu ye.
Cashier: Ni adik ambik no phone abang
Aku: Ye lah
Yang lawak tu, aku dah mention aku dah keje lama. Dia still panggil aku adik. Cashier tu, aku tgk, max umur 23-24. And dia jugak penah tanya aku kalau aku ada member nak beli kereta Myvi full loan, the sort of questions orang yg baru kerja akan tanya. And masa tu dia panggil aku abang. Maybe sbb dia nampak kereta aku park depan pintu 7-11 tu. Semalam parking jauh sikit.
Sebelum keluar pintu tu, rasa nak je tanya dia umur berapa. Kah kah kah dia sure tak expect aku ni dah 8 tahun keje. So agak² la umur aku berapa. Dah 30 dah dik oii... hehehe
Ni mesti sbb baru potong rambut pendek dia tgk mcm muda semacam hehehe takpe rabu nanti dia bagi resume aku bagitau jek lah kat dia
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Yeah right!
An interesting excerp:
"All this while, we have been absorbing higher costs as we haven’t been increasing our food prices even after the price hikes. So I don’t see why we should lower our prices now,” he told The Star yesterday."
Absorbing higher costs? Haven't increased prices? My foot. The hawkers and restaurateurs are the FIRST to INCREASE their prices. Since:
1. Their prices are not officially controlled
2. They never actually calculate the ACTUAL COST of producing the food itself. They use the concept, 'main taram saja'. Cooking oil price increase by 50 sen per kg? Let's increase the price of roti canai by 10 sen each then. As if 1 kg of oil is just enough for just 5 roti canai! Same goes when milk price increased, flour price increased. All resulted in disproportionate price increase by them.
And yet they claim they've been absorbing? Again, my foot!
I'm not complaining about the high price. I think they have the right to sell at whatever price they want, and I in turn, have the right to choose to eat at their outlet or not. But to actually try to mislead people that they've been absorbing higher cost? That's like trying to hide an elephant in a refrigerator. You're just insulting the public's intelligence.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Not your average Sunday 2

Friday, October 24, 2008
Inactive Malaysians
If you ask me, I wholeheartedly agree to it. I have a desk job that requires me to sit on a chair in front of a desk 8 hours of the day. At most, the work related physical activity I'm required to do is to walk to the next building to attend meetings. Even that also we normally take the elevator and escalator.
In my office, we have a gym. A complete one with all the nice equipments. Treadmills, cross-trainer, cycling machine, weights, etc... Even two badminton courts, two squash courts two more squash courts converted to become table tennis courts. And it's totally free for all the staff.
But, I would say, less than 20% actually frequent it. It's the same face day-in and day-out. But strangely, during the Open House, with the lavish food served, I see like 90% of the staff being there. And then people keep on complaining of their idle-related illness e.g. high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.. etc.. They never take care of themselves in the first place.
So you out there, please take care of yourself. Our modern lifestyle, modern job & modern food is taking a toll on our body. We have to keep that in control. Please don't use the excuse that you don't have time & busy with your family. Or your job. Those are just excuses. If you really love your family, then take care of yourself. If not, it's them that needs to take care of you instead of the other way around. And if you got ill, you cannot efficiently do your job either.
So please, take note of that.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Apa ni?
Tgk graf last week, total running distance, 6 km aje! Adeh...
Rajin la sikit woi! Karang tak qualify kat powerman larat ke nak tadah telinga kene kutuk ngan kengkawan? Ahahahaha!
BTW, sesapa yg nak track running progress, boleh register kat nikerunning.com. Free ajek. Very useful tool. Full URL: http://insidenikerunning.nike.com/category/training/
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Death Magnetic

Monday, October 13, 2008
So sad...

Now the one that's left is so sad. I can clearly see it in it's eyes. Like it's crying. It spends most of the time hiding inside its shell and no longer swimming around. When I put my finger, it'll turn away. It keeps mostly below the waterline. Even someone as cold as me can see it was sad!
Even my mom acknoweldges that and seems like regretting giving away one of it. Tomorrow I'm gonna think of how we can take back the tortoise. Maybe buy them another one and take back ours.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Rustic and charming little town

Overall, this town really reminded me a lot of Kluang. I really to visit Kluang soon.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Why dude, why?
I was queuing behind this Iswara dude filling up his tank. There's another Waja at the pump just behind him, but the Waja's driver was still at the cashier. All other pumps are occupied. So I decided to wait behind the Iswara since the dude is already filling up. A few minutes passed by. The Waja driver has since then returned, fille up his tank and left. The Iswara due is still there, filling-up his tank...
A motorcycle took to the pump after the Waja. He also finished filling up his tank. So I then took that pump. The Iswara dude? Still filling his bloody tank! And now wildly shaking his car and trying all his might to squeeze that last few drops of RON97 into his tank. Even when I have done filling up my tank (all 51.8L of it and also cleaned my rear windscreen at it), left the station, the dude is still at the station. Nwo queuing at the cashier.
That made me thinking, WHY IN THE WORLD DUDE? Why do you need to squeeze that very last few drops into your bloody tank? Is the fuel price going up by 1,000,000% tomorrow? Last time, I check the news, no. In fact it went down. Even if it is going up, it's still not worth that 10 minutes or so pumping that last few drops in. Is he going outstation that he needs that very last few drops to be able to make it to the next station? Dude, if you actually gamble up to that extend, I think you'll do very, very well at Genting. And the last time I check also, petrol stations in Malaysia are quite widely available. And he can always schedule another stop on the way to re-fill if he really needs to. It just left me perplexed. I just can't find a reason for it. If any of you can think of a reason, please tell me why.
If you ask me, dude, you better use that few minutes of your life to pick up and read a non-fictional book or article. At least that'll enrich your knowledge and may be useful to you in the future, much more than you can save by trying to fill your petrol tank to the brim anyway.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Check your facts please!
1. the person is not actually that smart, but want to be seen smarter than the person he's criticizing
2. the person just do not care to actually check the facts
3. the person is a WHINER and just blame the authority for his hardship
i saw this is thestar's blog section on their online page.
>>Bank Negara Why Increase Interest Rate? Posted by: vijaysvk1 Dear Bank Negara
I always believe economic indicator cannot be real indicator....Economic indicator is based on certain formula and it will never represent the real situation on the ground.For example income per capita....
Ok....now lets go to the real issue?Hi Bank Negara Why you increase the interest rate when it will defintely burden the people and make the commercial banks richer...you have increased the interest rate for cars and we can see how it will burden the new buyer...soon you will increase the BLR and again people will suffer....
Dear educated governer..can you explain your action...or you cant as you are the guardian of commercial banks?
We need to fight this...........<<
Bro, Bank Negara DO NOT set the interest rate! The banks are running a BUSINESS, lending people THEIR MONEY. They have a say of how much interest rate they want to set. We, the central bank, regulates them making sure they're doing business in proper conduct, but we do not control how do they spend their money or how much profit they wanna make. We're not a communist country, in case you forgot.
We, more or less, determine the BLR. It's the overnight policy rate that we determine and from the last committee meeting, it was decided that it's NOT CHANGED. we only determine the high level rates, and not for each and every product the bank is offering.
your credit worthiness affects your loan interest rate. the amount, the car you're buying, all contributes to it. there is ASBOLUTELY NO WAY for bank negara to set all that. the change in the car loan interest rate is purely by the bank. if you don't like a bank's offer, find another one! that's why it's called shopping for a loan offer. u don't like one shop's price, find another lah.
so, before publicly blasting people like that, it'll be good to make sure that you have all the facts rather than simply blaming other people. it makes you look bad (and stupid)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Buka puasa
1. Bad traffic jam
2. Everybody will be rushing for food at the very same time
3. Difficult time to coordinate your timing for Maghrib prayers
4. You can't eat much anyway (for the price you paid)
But today no.1 is the main reason why I don't like buka puasa buffet. From my house in Setapak, took MRR2 to get to The Curve Damansara. Only get to 1U area like 6:30PM. That's 70 minutes my friend!
Since I've already planned to go to the bike shop @ Taman Megah, still went there first. And trying to get back from Taman Megah to The Curve, took like almost 1 hour via LDP! And that's seems like less than 5 km away.
And when I actually get to the buffet, all I had was a small portion of rice with 2 pieces of chicken, a can of Diet Coke & 3 scoops of ice-cream. Not worth the effort just for that. Luckily I decided to still go to the bike shop, even that meant I had to break fast an hour late.
Will try to avoid next year.
Anyway, thanx to Bulat for the buffet at Marche. Semoga murah rezeki! Amin.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Good Deal!

Friday, September 19, 2008
Ramadan buffet, with a view

I know KL Tower gives a nice view as well, but this one is breathtaking due to it's proximity to the twin tower and other buildings around it. Trust me, it is much closer in real-life than they appear in the photos above. And the view can be enjoyed from the open-air deck around the restaurant. Can even dine outside if you wish to.
So if you want to dine (a romantic dinner maybe) with a great view of KLCC and it's vicinity, this is a recommended place.
A short video of the view. Wait till the end of the video to get an idea of how high I shot this from.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Black Water (movie)
If you have any plan or even any twitch in your heart to think of watching this, I'll say, please don't. I can give you a full summary in a single paragraph. Read below:
"It's about a couple, Grace and Adam, and Grace's youngest sister, Lee, going on a trip. Adam suggested a fishing trip. They met Jim, who guided the trip in a small metal boat. When they stopped for fishing at a swamp area, their boat was overturned by a big croc and it took Jim. Grace, Adam & Lee climbed over a tree. Grace tried to traverse the trees to safety, but failed. Adam tried to salvage the overturned boat, but was eaten by the croc. Grace & Lee, tried to find way out to the river when Grace was attacked by the croc, but she survived. Lee then tried to get the boat but also taken by the croc. She was placed at where Jim was 'stored', but she was still alive. When she woke up, she took the gun from Jim and then get to shoot through the head of the croc, killing it. Grace however died from her injury. Lee took her sister's body out on the metal boat. End of story."
Actually, at the start of the movie, when it showed it's produced in Australia, already felt it was not gonna be an interesting movie. Then when it mentioned based on true story, just sealed it. And the movie itself was the proof. I saw people leaving after just 15 minutes into the movie.
The story line was so direct and predictable. And it was super damn slow as well. If we minus the shots of the trees and the empty water, it'll be way less than an hour. I had more suspense riding my motorbike to work everyday than watching this 90 minutes 'thriller' movie. In fact, I've watched 'school holiday special' on TV which are wayyyyy interesting that this. In fact, any of Steve Irwin's show seems like a 5-star movie beside this one. At least, much more informative.
I know, if I'm in that situation, it'll be a very scary and thrilling moment as well. But watching it on the screen? Nope. Maybe because I expected like a group of super-mega big crocs that can jump 10m high, or swallow a metal boat whole, or can chow down a tree, something like that. And then, the crocs started to attack the rescue team and it became a massive battle between man and crocs. Something along that line lah... hahaha
So pleaseeeee, I beg you all, save your money and skip this one. Just watch the school holiday special on Sunday morning.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Global Crisis
And today in our internal portal, we have the news that almost everywhere in the world, central banks are scrambling to pour money into their financial system to avoid deeper problem. Read the full article here: http://www.reuters.com/article/innovationNews/idUSSP26879920080916?sp=true
To be frank, I'm not an economist and in fact, never studied Economy. I have only just the slightest idea of what teh article is all about. But even by the tone of it, one can feel it doesn't sound good. It points of a big trouble ahead.
But we Malaysians are more concerned about 16/9? I guess we all have our attention at the wrong issue. Because if we have a financial system breakdown, no matter who is in charge in Putrajaya, we'll all be in trouble. Well, unless the person himself has a cash reserve as deep as Bill Gates and contribute big time to the economy. If not, it'll all be just empty promises again.
But I'm sure my colleagues over at the Economics department are focused on their job. Please do.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
16 Sep 2008
Now it's close to 6:00PM and as of writing, the same Govt is still ruling the country. And AAB is still the PM. As much as I don't like him (I much prefer Dr.M), I hate people giving false hope and empty promise, more than anything else.
I know, the believers will say, it will happen, just a bit later. But it was promised to happen 'by' today, and not a single day later. Even claimed to have the names, but refused to announce. So what should we call that? A LIE maybe?
BTW, I'm sick of these constant tussle for power in the country recently. One group should be concentrating on governing and the other group to provide the check and balance. Not to see two sides trying to pull the other side down. If I want to see that, I'll just watch sumo, or judo, or wrestling. Much more entertaining too.
I don't really like to write about politics, but I just can't stand this anymore. Move on people!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hari ni
Semalam masa delayed 'live telecast' Monza F1 kat TV2. nak wat camne, dah terlepas live kat astro. layan je lah.
tapi tgh² race byk pulak iklan. kalau iklan komersial tu takpe, boleh la paham sbb itu income tapi, byk pulak iklan utk rancangan TV2 sendiri? kenapa nak siarkan iklan² tu masa live telecast? kalau time rancangan lain takpe la sbb sambung balik. sbb somehow, live telecast tu still berjalan masa iklan. so dah terlepas action race tu, apa daaaa....
dah la tu, iklan utk salam lebaran yg meleret tu & iklan drama indonesia ulang sampai dua kali! hampehssss...
2. Handphone dalam meeting
Masuk meeting pagi ni, ada 6 orang. Lepas sorang, sorang lagi phone berbunyi. Lagu dah le meriah & kuat plak tu... Tak reti nak silent ke? Karang sound karang ada yg ambik hati pulak...
Some people...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Buang masa je la!
Finally, dekat kul 11:30PM baru la nak start kayuh. Bad luck, ada sorang member kitorang group asal yg 5 orang tu from original group, tayar ada problem sikit. Pasang tak betul kot, tayar terkeluar daripada rim. Kene check kejap. Kitorang mintak tunggu, yg geng reramai baru sampai tu sikit pun tak heran? Terus je jalan. Macam si*l. Tinggal kitorang 3 orang je yg tadi tunggu kengkawan diorang sampai nak dekat sejam, skrg buat tak tau je. Nasib baik kitorang ada floor pump, so cepat dpt repair tayar tu. Tapi still around 5 minit dah lewat. Dan nasib baik jugak kitorang 3 orang ni, kira yg boleh kayuh la. So kene speed sikit sbb nak kejar balik group yg tinggalkan kitorang tu. Dapat la kejar balik kat next stop point. OK, fine.
Then start kayuh balik. Ada la baru dalam 10 km kot (or less) group dah berpecah pulak. Berenti pulak tepi jalan tunggu kengkawan yang tertinggal. Group yg ramai² tadi tu sampai sikit² sbb diorang kayuh style santai punya. Badan dah start sejuk dah. Kitorang suggest pecah 2 group, diorang mintak tunggu jugak kengkawan semua sampai. OK tunggu lagi. Lepas about 20 minit, baru la semua sampai kat simpang tempat kitorang tunggu. Sampai aku kene patah balik tgk diroang ok ke tak.
Dah re-group, discuss nak ikut route mana lepas tu. Aku dah bagitau route, dah semua sibuk nak balik pulak. Padahal baru je kayuh kejap. In the end, diroang ikut jalan diorang, kitorang ikut jalan kitorang. Kitorang tinggal original group yg 5 orang tu je. Yg tunggu kengkawan diorang sampai sejam tu? Buang masa je.
Lain kali, nak kayuh, kayuh la bebetul. Then jgn la mintak org tunggu kalau actually takde plan nak ikut group tu. Buang masa org lain la...
Tobat aku tak nak kayuh ngan group tu dah. Baik aku kayuh ngan group aku je. Kalau mintak tunggu pun, pegi m*mp*s la...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Memang berbaloi
semalam gi kayuh rasa ringan je badan. takde rasa teruk nak kayuh. ye la, 10kg tu lebih kurang kayuh basikal sambil bawak kampit beras atas belakang. bila buang kampit beras sure la rasa ringan kan. best, best.
pace lari pun dah improve, dulu 5km = 33-34 mins, skrg dah around 28-29 mins. shin pain pun dah takde. rasa comfortable bila lari.
target nak turun lagi jadi 65kg or less by powerman lumut november ni.
so sesapa yg rasa nak turunkan berat badan, apa tunggu lagi? cepat turunkan. mmg berbaloi!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
sbb puasa kot? tu la berkat puasa ni. kene puasa selalu nih, baru la rasa sejuk & nyaman je tiap² hari. hehehe
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008
MME 2008
And for the 9th year, we had the Merdeka Millenium Endurance Race at Sepang last night. Being a motorsport fan, made my way there last night to watch the closing stages of the race, with a friend, Fahrein. Since the race was scheduled to end at 11:45PM, so we just planned to reach there at about 9:00PM. No rush.
When we get there, well the crowd is not exactly F1-crowded. But quite a number of enthusiasts were there. Some even with their families along. Great to see that.
What a visual feast on the track! Quite a number of race prepped Porsches are taking part this time. And a few beautiful Aston Martins. Not to mention the various Honda Integra DC5s, Civic FD2Rs, a lone Mitsu Evo 9. And then the ubiqutous Honda EGs, EKs, Satrias, etc.. It was quite a race as well.
When I reached there, the cars had already spent more than 9 hours pounding around the track. And these guys were not exactly taking it lightly! They were at the absolute limit laps after laps after laps! It's really amusing to see each and every car's brake discs to glow into bright red circle at the end of the back straight, at every single lap. That just show how hard these guys were pushing, themselves and the car. I thought only F1 cars have those glowing brakes, but I was wrong.
And then, the aural excitement. I'm not sure of others, but the sound of properly tuned race engines are just like music to my ears. We had the muted scream of highly tuned 4 cylinder N/A engines. Then the deep burble of the Holden and Ford V8s. That was really amusing, adn different. Then the angry bark of the Aston Martin V8 and then the loud scream of the Porsche flat six. Amazing. But the winner in the aural dept to my ears is the high pitch wail of the BMW Z4Ms of the Petronas Syntium team. Sheer pleasure. Sounded almost like an F1 engine. I kid you not! All these cannot be differentiated by watching on TV. As they all sounded the same when recorded. That's why it's still better to be there.
The race eventually was won by Porsche Club Singapore, racing the Porsche 997 RSR. Beating last year's champion, Kencana Petroleum team, also running Porsche 997 RSR. In fact all podium finisher in the Open class were running Porsche RSRs. These were just other-worldly fast around the circuit. Made all the other cars look slow. Including the Aston Martins and the Holden/Ford. Their only match I think was the Z4Ms, but not quite.
But also kudos to team Proton R3 who won Class B with their Satria Neo. A surprise to us, and I believe to many others. In fact, all podium for Class B was won by Proton runners! Amazing.
Next year, it'll be a 24 hours race instead. Can't wait till next year.
Not sure if you can hear this, but here it is anyway. Passing at the front straight.
After the race
The winner

Thursday, August 28, 2008
dah la malaysian food ni kebanyakan very oily & byk lemak. susah la... tak makan nanti org kecik ati plak...
adeh... terpaksa la training kuat sikit 2-3 hari ni, before start puasa.
advise: try la control makan. it'll make wonders. mula² susah, dah lama jadik best makan sikit je. aku pun jenis kuat makan jugak, tapi bila try control, boleh je.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008